Amazing diamonds!!!
Amazing diamonds!!!
Beautiful rings, good clarity on the pics
Most beautfiul diamonds I have ever seen! This app is so user friendly and fun to use! Really helpful!! I love my ring!!!
Good quality images and very functional. Beautiful designs.
Good quality pictures and helpful information. This app has beautiful rings and from the help of a jewellery store near my house, I can get a beautiful ring and choose my own diamond for it:) all around great app!
This app and the actual rings are beautiful. I know my girl will find any of these suitable for her hand.
An extremely well developed app, beautifully done and easy to use. I would only ask to speed up the pictures viewer. I can see that you are using iCloud to retrieve the images. Overall great app.
Great app. Highly recommend and very helpful.
Well organised, glorious pictures. Thank you
Beautiful rings and right to the point explanations about the features
Updating it with more variety and more often would be really nice
Love the app! Southern African Diamonds has the best selection and quality of engagement ring by far!!
The selection was amazing. The tell you everything you need to about the rings and find stores for either walk-ins or on-line sales
I love these rings! Very beautiful & very helpful.
How can I view the beautiful rings if the app wont stay open for more than five minutes? Extremely irritating.
Great app!! The rings are beautiful!!
This is a wonderful app
Better if had wider selection
Love this app
The rings I have seen are very nice, but it needs more shape options and more band options.